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Showing posts from March, 2021

V8s, Monkeys and Chakras of the web world.

At present, many people are connected to the internet and actively using web browsers. So it will be interesting to have a look at JavaScript engines which make these browsers the kind of software they are. What is a JavaScript engine? A java script engine is a program that is mostly run in browsers which executes JavaScript codes. Most of the time, these engines use C++. These are also known as ECMA script engines since ECMA script is the standard specification for java script. First java script engines were interpreters. First java script engine was created in 1995, by Brendan Eich for the Netscape Navigator Browser. This evolved into spidermonkey engine which is used in Firefox browser. Today, most of the java script engines are developed and distributed by web browser vendors like Mozilla and google. Java script engines are run in browsers via the Document Object Model together with the rendering engines. Today java script engines are not only used for browsers, but for other fr...